R.K Shree Siddhivinayak Mandir Seva Samiti, structured under SIDDIVINAYAK SHIKSHAN Prasarak Mandal SANCHALIT (SSPM), laid its foundation on 19th of March 2020, on the eve of celebration of 25th year of the institute, by founder – president of SSPM Shri. Ramesh Khanvilkar, with an auspicious grand opening ceremony by the eminence presence of Shri Shri Jagadguru Sankaracharya, Karver Peeth (Kolhapur)
Shree Ganesh is first to be worshipped before beginning any work or venture as he is the destroyer of obstacles. This Shree Siddhivinayak mandir is located at the foot step of temple of education that is our very own Siddhivinayak Education complex, wherein education is the most important aspect of Institute. Temple fulfills the desires of worshippers.
Ganesh, son of shri Shiva is one of the most prominent altars, faithfully invoked and dedicatedly worshiped by devotees. Shree’s idol is worshipped daily and teachers students are permitted to have darshan. Along side of Ganesh idol, Maa Saraswathimurti has been placed as she shares an important place in education. Saraswathi is worshipped as goddess of knowledge, creative, arts, wisdom, language, learning and purity. Four arms of goddess Saraswathi represent four aspects of personality in learning viz. Mind, intellect, alertness and Ego.
Doors of temple are always kept open for students and other devotees so as to seek blessings. Temple was founded with aim of establishing peace, harmony and spiritual values in and around the students, campus and people.